Hot Potatoes

11 October 2019

Hot Potatoes

Hot Potatoes

"Get out of your comfort zone" is a phrase that we have been hearing for some time now, and that invites us to improve continuously. But what is wrong with staying in the comfort zone? A known place, where we feel safe, and where (endless) running or trekking routes are not welcomed. Hot Potatoes is the brand of house slippers that was born with this philosophy: to invite you to stay in your comfort zone, where you can be without complexes and 100% home.

This brand represents the philosophy of “nesting”, which defends that barricading ourselves in our house not only in not boring, but it can be healthy and relaxing. An attitude that eliminates that fear of disconnecting and losing something, and invites you to lose yourself, to enjoy doing nothing, to be comfortable in your home.

Choose your Hot Potatoes and start enjoying life!

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