Types of sports: Our top 8

24 February 2023

Types of sports: Our top 8

Types of sports: Our top 8

There are several types of sports and the truth is that, regardless of the one you practice or would like to practice, doing physical exercise is increasingly becoming a key habit in people's lifestyle.

In this sense, throughout this blog we will tell you about what, for us, are the main types of sports and we will also give you some tips and curiosities that we believe you may not know yet.

However, before we talk about each of the sports, let's first make a brief contextualization about what is the practice of sports and its real importance in people's lives.

The benefits of sport

To practise sport is not for everyone, according to those who say that sport is not for them.

However, the truth is that playing sport is possible for everyone. For those who like it and do it without any effort, for those who do not like it but make an effort and eventually begin to like it, and for those who cannot due to some physical problem but who increasingly find types of sports geared towards them.

Well, there are still those who don't believe in or are unaware of the impact that practising sport can have on the life of each one of us. Not only when it comes to image, but also when it comes to one's health and social standing.

Therefore, among the main benefits that sport can have in people's lives, we highlight the following:

1. Recover years of life

mulher a puxar uma corda no meio da natureza

Regular sport practice contributes to a better cardiac capacity and reduces the risks associated with cardiovascular diseases.

2. Lose weight

pés em cima de balança com fita métrica À frente

Even if your main goal is not to lose weight, doing sport contributes to an acceleration of the metabolism, fighting obesity.

3. Take care of mental health

mulher com os braços levantados e com roupa desportiva

Playing sports helps to reduce stress and anxiety levels and to combat some mental illnesses, such as depression.

4. Social Interaction

três mulheres de joelhos a dorrir com roupa desportiva

Playing sports increases the chances of meeting new people and socialising, particularly when doing sports together.

The 8 main types of sports

Well, now that you know more about some of the benefits that practising sport can bring to your life, let's move on to talk about what, for us, are the 8 main types of sports.

Let's do it!

1. Football

First of all, we start with the sport of all sports. Football.

Apart from being the most popular sport in the world, football is also the most adopted and loved sport of all time.

So, if you are passionate about football, already practicing or thinking of starting your career in the world of the ball, we leave you here examples of some of the accessories you will need.

acessórios de futebol em fundo branco

see all about football 

2. Futsal

Despite being very similar to football and although many people are unaware of it, the truth is that there are several differences between football and futsal, among which we highlight the following:

- Size of the field;

- Ball;

- Footwear;

- Length of the match;

- Refereeing;

- Number of substitutions.

In this way, and according to the different needs existing between these types of sports, we leave you some examples of shoes used specifically in the practice of futsal.

quatro sapatilhas de futsal em fundo branco

see all futsal shoes 

3. Running

Now, let's leave the ball aside and move on to a sport that although it also demands physical effort, it can be practiced in a more individual way and in different environments. We are talking about running.

Running is, more and more, a practice adopted by people in general. In most cases, people who want to introduce some physical activity in their routine, choose running, since it is an individual modality and does not require the rental or occupation of specific spaces.

So, many people practise running at the end of the day, after work or even early in the morning, as a way of maintaining a healthier lifestyle.

This way, next we leave you some of the accessories that any runner needs!

acessórios de running em fundo branco

see all about RUNNING

4. Trail

Immediately after we talk about running we talk about a sport that is associated with it. We are talking about trail.

For those who do not know the term trail is nothing more than running in the middle of nature.

So, when we talk about trail we are effectively talking about running but on different terrain.

While running is practised along roads, trail running on the other hand is practised "off the beaten track", through trails and within nature.

In this sense, we want you to know some of the accessories you will need if you are thinking of practising trail running.

acessórios de trail em fundo branco

see all about TRAIL 

5. Basketball

We pick up the ball again, but this time we don't pass it with our feet but dribble with our hands. Let's talk about basketball.

Although in Portugal it may not be one of the most talked about sports and even practised, the truth is that basketball is one of the most known and loved sports all over the world.

Moreover, even if it is not widely practiced, in Portugal there are many basketball fans who follow closely several competitions, namely American ones.

So, if you are a basketball fan, you have to know some of the accessories that any player needs to take with him to the court.

acessórios de basquete em fundo branco

see all about basketball 

6. Swimming

Now we get off the land and into the water. This is because swimming is increasingly being adopted by people of all ages.

So, if you want to start swimming, you have to know some of the accessories you'll need.

acessórios de natação em fundo branco

see all about swimming 

7. Fitness and Training

Still, if you're more into going to the gym and training at your own pace with your usual exercises, then you should get to know all our fitness and training accessories.

acessórios de fitness em fundo branco

see all about FITNESS and TRAINING 

8. Padel

Finally, we talk about what is undoubtedly the sport of the moment. Padel.

Although it is a slightly different sport, the truth is that padel is gaining more and more fans.

If you also want to start practising padel, then find out everything you are going to need!

acessórios de padel em fundo branco

see all about PADEL 

Your favourite sport

Finally, now that you know our 8 main types of sports, tell us: what is your favourite sport?

We also invite you to visit our online shop, where you can find out everything you need to practise any of these and other sports

VISIT online shop 

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