For the Portuguese ones: How do you say sneakers? Are you team ténis or sapatilhas?

09 February 2024

For the Portuguese ones: How do you say sneakers? Are you team ténis or sapatilhas?

For the Portuguese ones: How do you say sneakers? Are you team ténis or sapatilhas?

Surely at some point in your life you've asked yourself the eternal question: sapatilhas or ténis?

Well, if you couldn't come up with the right answer, don't worry. Because both terms are correct. It all just depends on where you live! So, although it's not a rule, if you're from the North or South you'll probably say sapatilhas. On the other hand, if you're from the Centre, especially Lisbon, you'll almost certainly say ténis. Are we right?

In this way, we can easily see that the use of both terms leads us to a brief analysis of lexical variation in Portuguese and the role of regionalism in its diversity.

The nuances of regionalism in the Portuguese language

Although the Portuguese language is rich and diverse, it still has an extensive lexical palette, which can sometimes be intriguing. Proof of this is the question that brings us here: ténis or sapatilhas?

Although the Priberam Dictionary of the Portuguese Language states that the term ténis and the term sapatilhas have the same meaning, the truth is that their origins are different.

Ténis or sapatilhas? The origin of the two terms

The word ténis is borrowed from the English "tennis", which originally referred to sport, but began to be used to describe the type of footwear associated with that sport.

On the other hand, the word sapatilha has no consensus as to its origin in Portuguese language dictionaries. While some point out that the word sapatilha derives from sapato (shoe), with the addition of the suffix -ilha, others suggest that sapatilha comes from the Castilian zapatilla, which is a diminutive of zapata. Whatever the case, the word sapatilla belongs to the same lexical family as sapato, since both share the same etymological root.

What is certain is that the Priberam Dictionary of the Portuguese Language currently tells us that both terms mean the same thing. Which means that if you say ténis or sapatilhas, you're correct either way!

However, it's important to emphasise that although both forms are correct, the linguistic norm is flexible and accommodates these variations, as long as communication is effective and clear. The important thing is that both terms are understood by Portuguese speakers, regardless of the region.

The most popular sneakers of the moment

Of course, we couldn't tell you about this linguistic peculiarity without giving you some of the most popular models of sneakers at the moment!

Why? Because we believe that if you've made it this far, it's because you're undoubtedly passionate about this type of footwear. Are we right?

New Balance 550

see new balance 550

New Balance 530


Adidas Campus


Adidas Gazelle


What about you? Are you team ténis or sapatilhas?

In conclusion, if you say ténis or sapatilhas, in neither case are you wrong@. This is because both terms are correct in Portuguese, and in most cases it's a matter of personal preference or regional influence.

So, whichever term you use, we invite you to visit our online shop so you can choose your favourite sneakers!

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